Sunday, December 15, 2013


Pbl (Problem based learning )

The idea of pbl is to make the student  study about some objective and get the knowledge  by solving problems . The PBL format originated from the medical school of thought, and is now used in other schools of thought too . in pbl students identify what they already know, what they need to know in order to solve the problem . which lead them to search and read in many resources .that will improve their skills of researching and finding the objectives that in they need to solve the case or get the diagnosis .

This way of learning starts in the medical school program at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada in the late 1960s by Howard Barrows and his colleagues

Using  pbl at first was to teach the medical student how to apply the Basic Sciences on real cases so they get case contains Patient who has symptoms  and they should know what is the diagnosis

In my opinion it is very important way of learning specially in medicine colleges

Because the medical student should learn how to work in group,what are the information and  how to get the information from the books and Reliable sources and they have to know how to relate between the basics sciences and  clinical apply

 Defining Characteristics of PBL: 

Student-centered & Experiential
Select authentic assignments from the discipline, preferably those that would be relevant and meaningful to student interests.  Students are also responsible for locating and evaluating various resources in the field.
Relevance is one of the primary student motivators to be a more self-directed learner 
Introduce content through the process of problem solving, rather than problem solving after introduction to content.
Research indicates that deeper learning takes place when information is introduced within a meaningful context.
Builds on/challenges prior learning
If the case has some relevance to students, then they are required to call on what they already know or think they know. By focusing on their prior learning, students can test assumptions, prior learning strategies, and facts.
The literature suggests that learning takes placewhen there is a conflict between prior learning and new information. 
Choose real or contrived cases and ground the count in the kinds of challenges faced by practitioners in the field.
Again, context-specific information tends to be learned at a deeper level and retained longer. 
Problems are complex and ambiguous, and require meta-cognition
Select actual examples from the real life of the discipline that have no simple answers. Require students to analyze their own problem solving strategies.
Requires the ability to use higher order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and creation of new knowledge. 
Creates cognitive conflict
Select cases with information that makes simple solutions difficult: while the solution may address one part of a problem, it may create another problem.  Challenges prior learning as noted above.
The literature suggests that learning takes place when there is a conflict between prior learning and new information.
Collaborative & Interdependent 
Have students work in small groups in order to address the presented case
By collaborating, students see other kinds of problem solving strategies used, they discuss the case using their collective information, and they need to take responsibility for their own learning, as well as their classmates



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